3D Pinball Mod Tool
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Do any of these apply to you?
- I've always wanted to customize 3D Pinball: Space Cadet
- I enjoy modding video games
- Breathing air is pretty cool
If you answered yes to any of the above, then you'll probably be interested in the 3D Pinball Mod Tool!
This is a tool that allows you to customize many aspects of the game board by modifying the PINBALL.DAT file.
But you may be asking: What all can I do with this tool?
What All Can I Do With This Tool?
I'm glad you asked!
Below are some of the features that the 3D Pinball Mod Tool provides:
- Load PINBALL.DAT files
- Save PINBALL.DAT files
- Provide a graphical overview of the board as it will appear in-game
- Export any sprite (or all sprites) in the game
- Change the sprite for any component on the board
- View and export the Z buffer (depth map) of the board and any component(s)
- View and modify the collision for all components and any part of the board
- Move around any components and collision
- Zoom and pan around the table/canvas
- Undo/Redo functionality
- Easter eggs
- Bugs ??
- Probably more things I'm forgetting
Planned Features
- Import custom Z buffer images
- Define new collision paths/points
- Probably more things I'm forgetting
Known Bugs
There are no known bugs yet.
Help build our collection by reporting bugs!
- This is where known bugs would go if we had any :(